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                    2024 – 21ST CENTURY AMERICAN REVOLUTION AT STAKE

28 Dec

No, not the muskets and cannon fire, but the stakes are just as high, and the outcome will define our nation for generations. Just as our colonies revolted against the tyranny of the British monarchy, America must once again defeat the tyranny of our current ruling government. Our greatest weapon is our vote on November 5 ,2024, a date just as significant as July 4, 1776.

What is at stake is monumental for our children and grandchildren in decades to come. Just as England tried to dictate and control our colonies, our Federal Government has become dictatorial in our everyday lives. It started when the extreme left wing of the Democrat Party won the 2020 election, primarily a victory due to the George Floyd murder, BLM, and Covid. Our government has allowed mass anarchy, fires, riots and destruction of personal property and the lives of those in its path. Police protection has been reduced or eliminated in many cities and communities allow rampant crime to escalate to today’s terrorizing level. Our criminal system has been gutted, allowing repeated dangerous criminals to be released over and over, while many criminals are not even being arrested for looting, theft, trespassing and assault. This administration locked our lives down during Covid under the lies about its origin and the effectiveness of masks, vaccines, and social distancing. Locking out our schools has set back generations of our children’s education and learning.

Our country is no longer secure and safe from the mass influx of millions of illegal aliens walking into our country over the past 3 years under this administration. As citizens, we are paying a tremendous price to feed, shelter, educate and transport people that should not be here. Our country was built on legal immigration, and this is an insult to the millions who followed our laws and became legal citizens. The millions coming into our country illegally today generally do not speak English, have any skill or education, and want to maintain their culture and not assimilate to our nation’s customs and society. Terrorists, criminals, mentally insane and disease carrying illegals come into our country every day and our government is doing nothing to protect us. Instead of requiring these people to speak English to access education, we allow them into our children’s classrooms and require our teachers to communicate and teach them while our children suffer from this distraction.

Our government has allowed homelessness to escalate with no solution or effort to discourage the increase. We are forcing small businesses to relocate or fail because they must deal with  these people camped out on their doorsteps driving their customers away. We are no longer safe from the escalating daily crime, and from the mentally deranged people attacking us going about our commutes and daily activities. These people are allowed to use drugs, procreate, and defecate in plain view of our children. They are destroying our cities, and our government has failed them and us.

Our government is destroying our energy industry and energy independence. We are being told what we can and can’t do every day by a climate change hysteria that can never be proven is being caused by our use of fossil fuels. We are being stripped of our freedoms by executive orders without our ability to vote as a nation on the course of our country. Our country was founded on a democracy where the people decide not a country where the extreme left-wing dictate.

And finally, our country will go out of existence unless we address our debt now. This administration created the worst inflation in 50 years, driving up prices in food, housing, household goods, transportation, services, insurance, and many other commodities that aren’t coming back down and are killing the middle and lower classes in our country. We can’t keep spending by borrowing to support the layers and layers of social entitlement programs and waste in our federal bureaucracy. Medicare and Social Security aren’t entitlements if you work and pay into these programs each time you are paid. But if you don’t or won’t work, we need to stop incentivizing this behavior by continuing to send you more and more money. There are millions of unfilled jobs that should be filled by everyone on welfare or unemployment. We are a country of freeloaders, supported by our government. We need to remove the salary cap on the 6.2% employee social security (FICA) contribution and the 1.45% Medicare contribution but the employer contribution match should remain capped. We have people making millions and billions each year and they only pay into social security and Medicare on about $160,000. If we want to save our social security and Medicare programs, we need to begin these types of revenue raising. The money from our withholdings must be kept separate from other spending, and only used to support these programs.

We are running out of time and if this extreme Democrat party is allowed to continue in the Oval Office, Congress, and Senate, we will be gone as a country in less than 50 years. We can’t afford our debt, fighting and supporting wars, open boarders, rampant crime, and the decay of our moral and cultural society. Socialization is under way in our nation and look around the world at socialist countries because that will be America unless you vote out the destructive policies and candidates that are killing our nation.


2 Aug

For many years, maybe since the advent of the internet, our country has been in social and moral decline. The pace of this decline has accelerated, and our country continues on the path of division, either by civil war or succession of states into 2 countries. Our country cannot continue down this current path without one of these outcomes. There are now two sides drawn to the most important issues in our country and my post is about these differences and why these differences exist.

Our Federal political system, which worked for over two centuries, needs significant restructure in some form of term limits, balanced budgets, elimination of lobbyists, and either elimination of the 2-party system or the rise of an independent party. Politicians have ceased to govern for the good of the country instead focusing on only the good of their party. The 2020 election was a good example of the extent that a party will go to be in power. The Democrats used Covid to mass mail ballots in swing states disregarding a voter’s right to request an absentee ballot. Then they used political mules to harvest these ballots, sometimes filling them in, and depositing them into drop off ballot boxes. Was the election rigged, well yes in a way, but not by counting votes but by counting all these harvested votes. Who knows how they were solicited, filled in or were the intent of the person’s name casting the ballot?

There are other ways designed to stay in power and one is called identity politics. Democrats use black voters by continuing the promises of more and more social giveaways. The problem is that our black population continues to dominate the uneducated poverty class in our country. The murder rate of black on black has skyrocketed in liberal run cities. So why do blacks continue to vote Democrats into office? There is a strategy to forgive school debt in order to garner votes along with talks of reparation to black people who are descendants of slaves. Allowing our southern border to be virtually open is a strategy to increase the voting base of future Hispanics by giving them more social welfare. The list goes on and its why one political party only governs to the benefit of their voters.

If this is the way our country is headed in future National elections, then you can be sure one of the previously mentioned destinies will occur. There is no voter suppression because every state provides early voting for weeks before election day, absentee voting and voting polls to cast your vote in person on election day. If a citizen can’t show some form of legal identification to validate his or her vote or use one of these three methods to vote, then we don’t have a legitimate Democracy.

I mentioned the advent of the internet as the beginning of our rapid national decay. We are producing generations of zombie youth who will become our country’s future leaders. So, let’s look at our nation’s 7 Deadly Sins that are ripping us apart from one another. They aren’t in any particular order because each one is significant on its own.


To a Democrat, everything is about race. Truly there are bigoted people in this country, but they exist in all races, not just white people. When a white law enforcement person kills an unarmed black person, race is the number one motive according to Democrats. Yes, race plays a part in some, but not all, of these killings and justice and punishment should result when it does happen. There are bad people in every walk of life and every race and social demographic, but racism cannot be the broad stroke given to every difference of political ideas.

BLM’s movement was certainly appropriate, but not the violence committed in its name. If everyone in this country justified violence, burning, killing, and looting to even the score, we wouldn’t have a country left to live in. If black lives matter, then why haven’t our political and BLM leaders become outraged over the daily shootings by blacks to blacks in our inner cities? Why haven’t they become outraged over the treatment of black women by black men who impregnate them and leave them to raise children in poverty while they hang with their brothers on the conner selling drugs and shooting other gang members.

This is an issue that is being used as a weapon to divide us all. Violence by any race cannot continue to be accepted without arrests, convictions, and imprisonment. Eliminating cash bail because it’s racist has created a system of releasing criminals back onto our streets to commit more crimes. If you can’t afford bail, don’t commit crimes. Eliminate bail totally for arrests made to certain crimes and get the accused a court date within 4 months to prove guilt or innocence. If our government doesn’t stop crimes being committed and fails to arrest or prosecute, I guarantee that law abiding citizens will begin filling the role of law enforcement on their own.

How can any civilized country protect its citizens by defunding and criminalizing our police? The facts are that more blacks commit crimes disproportionately to the % of blacks to non-black people in this country. We as a nation are divided and most want change to stop violence and crimes. We want convictions and meaningful imprisonment to those committing crimes.


Look no further than the documentary Social Dilemma, to understand how social media started as a means of staying in touch to becoming a multibillion-dollar cesspool. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Tik Toc, Snapchat and Instagram all use algorithms to share and spread stories that meet the interests and political views of online followers. Simply, they promote division by stoking one sided political ideology to attract followers. Network media does the same thing, by not balancing reporting to appease their political ideology. Viewers don’t get two sides to stories or events and all of the time don’t get certain stories at all, because they don’t fit. Ask a CNN or MSNBC viewer if they ever watch FOX or vice versa. Network media are the worst culprits because their viewers don’t require cable access and are only fed liberal slanted news and coverage.

Just look at how cable and network media, along with Google and Twitter, refused to cover the Hunter Biden laptop story just weeks before the 2020 election. Millions of their viewers never heard the story which these same outlets now acknowledge to be authentic. The election would probably have had a different outcome by exposing the Biden family corruption.

We are purposely divided as a nation for the sake of ratings and profits. Where are you in seeking out all the facts and not just the opinions? If we don’t start using truth and facts instead of bias reporting, we will soon perish as a nation.


How can education be a national deadly sin? Isn’t it a good thing to educate our youth, to teach them skills to succeed in life? Of course it is until educators bring their political ideology into the classrooms. For decades liberal colleges and professors have been spewing one sided liberalism without any check to the facts and expectation that students accept their opinions. Tenure in public universities is the root of this liberal propaganda because these professors cannot be fired and have total freedom to only express their opinions and grade students on their acceptance of them. Professors need to be monitored in their lecture content when it falls outside the stated course curriculum. These professors use their entitled positions to breed liberalism without debate. Just like congressional term limits, professors in public universities need to be on shorter 3-4 year contracts with reviews 12 months prior to their termination or renewal. Student feedback should play a huge role in these professors’ future employment.

Private universities are another matter. Most, if not all, are liberal driven institutions with an elitist attitude (see Ivy League Universities). The cost to attend them is astronomical and the liberal propaganda that comes with it is what is dividing our nation. There aren’t free thinkers coming out of them, but mostly robot driven graduates regurgitating the liberal doctrine and environment. No wonder the liberals in congress want to forgive the debt these students took on to attend these universities.

Now the real problem is K-12 public education getting race related and explicit sex and transgender doctrinarian in many parts of our country (see NY and California). The powerful teachers’ unions who back the liberal democrats are using our taxpayer schools to drill their extreme agendas into your 6-year old’s brain. No wonder the USA is behind so many countries in math and science when these teachers are pushing critical race theory and hormone reengineering. Covid set our children back years due to virtual teaching and absentee classrooms. Our public education system is so bad that the Federal Government should abolish the Dept. Of Education and leave education up to the states. Advances in learning in inner cities has fallen so far that its possible they are on par with most undeveloped countries. The advent of home schooling and learning from online podcast educators is upon us. Parents are going to be forced to take education into their own hands because our education system has failed them.


Most liberals believe in Darwin’s theory that man came from evolution and not from God. I believe that God created  men and women and that science continues to try to dispute God’s word in the bible. There are many mysteries in life that only God can explain, but mankind continues to think they hold all the answers. But for argument’s sake let’s examine the liberal view of evolution.

If man is the result of millions of years of amoebas forming into creatures in the oceans, then climbing out to land and eventually becoming man, then why hasn’t evolutionary change continued?  Males were stronger and hunters, females were nurturing and reproduced. Reproduction required one of each to continue humankind. Each newborn exists in the Evolution Theory to continue this cycle of humankind. Has evolution created a diversion in how our species reproduces? I don’t think so, but here is where the division occurs in our nation. Respect should be given to anyone’s choice in who they want to live with. Medical advancements of in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination have assisted in reproduction. But these are manmade and not a natural evolution. A male and female are still required to prolong mankind’s existence. Cloning, another manmade creation may reproduce copies, but what will happen over time if this artificial duplication has the possibility of destroying mankind thru disease and loss of immunities.

Now there is the issue of transgenders. In the evolution theory, males became males and females became females. There was no natural reengineering from one sex to another. Evolution was supposed to be a natural occurrence not a medically assisted transformation from one sex to another. Everyone should have the right to mutilate their body to satisfy their instinctive desires, but we should not be teaching any of this to adolescents. Minors should never be given hormone treatments without the consent of their parents or guardians. States should have the right to restrict these treatments until someone reaches puberty. Battlelines are drawn in defense of women’s rights in sports and competition. Men who are reengineering themselves into women will always have a physical advantage over naturally born females.

Finally, the issue of abortion. No matter what side of prolife or pro-choice you are on, the discussion must start with ending a human life. Abortion has become a convenience in the past 40-50 years because it was legal and accessible everywhere. Human life has become disposable at the wish of a mother. Once conception occurs a woman becomes a mother and if a mother drowns her 1-day old baby she would be charged with murder. But in some states if that baby is killed inside her womb 1 day before birth it’s called an abortion, “a right to do what I want with my body.”  I believe exceptions should be made in early conception for rape and incest, but only if the rape is reported or for incest a charge against the family member made. I also believe that most people want restrictions on abortion and people within a state should have the right to pass laws that reflect their values and communities.

So, sex and abortion continue to drive a stake between sides within our nation and this is by far the worst deadly sin because God’s plan is being ignored.


What is a nation or a country without borders for protection from predators, drug dealers, sex traffickers, and disease? It’s not a nation at all, which is why our country is being torn apart from within. In time this deadly sin will be the one that destroys our country first. Our federal government has failed its obligation to protect us all by ignoring the laws which were passed by representatives of our free elections.  Just as anyone wouldn’t want someone walking into their home thru an unlocked door, most Americans don’t want illegal immigrants walking into our country unlawfully. Millions of illegal strangers are walking the streets of our cities, using services, and getting benefits paid from our tax dollars. In many cases these illegals are treated better than many of our poorest legal citizens. How can a nation accept illegals when our own citizens are living in poverty?

If you don’t live in Arizona, New Mexico or Texas then illegal immigration isn’t high on your concern list, until they show up in your northeastern or midwestern city streets. Fentanyl and sex trafficking are coming to your city, and you won’t like it. Your neighbors who are poor and need medicine and food will be standing in line behind these illegals who continue to flood across our southern border.

It’s all political on behalf of the liberal elite who relish the cheap labor from undocumented people cleaning their homes and cutting their grass. These elites have spit in the face of those immigrants who are standing in line to become legal citizens. Immigration should be the selective process that brings diverse people to our country for fulfillment within medical, engineering, and technical professions, not just to clean your toilet for a few bucks. It’s interesting that ICE will be issuing ID cards to illegals, but liberals won’t require IDs to vote because it’s racist. There is literally no other country in this world where you can just walk in illegally and disappear to live undocumented.


No one is safe on your neighborhood streets because the radical left supports defunding the police and no cash bail. Thousands of repeat criminals are being released daily by liberal DAs and putting them right back into your neighborhood. Police are not arresting criminals for crimes that required incarceration just six months ago because they know these criminals will not be charged and will be released.

Our forefathers envisioned the right to own guns as a deterrent against foreign enemies and government taking away our rights, but they never saw the need to bear arms to defend against criminals our governments refuse to arrest.

Law enforcement agencies are so concerned about cancel culture and personal liability that they aren’t confronting criminals thus jeopardizing law abiding citizen’s property and lives. Opponents to gun ownership come from voices not being robbed, shot, and murdered.  Our poorer black communities are affected the most with less law enforcement patrolling these neighborhoods.

We are forced to have weapons to protect ourselves because our Federal and Local governments have failed us, leaving us all vulnerable. Criminals now have more rights than law abiding citizens and if something doesn’t change soon there will be more bystanders using their weapons to protect themselves and other victims.   


The first issue in the debate of changing climate is always the weather. It’s either too hot, too cold, too may hurricanes, floods or tornados and it goes on and on. We as a nation and as a world are so divided because there isn’t the easy answer and fix that liberals want you to believe. They want to eliminate all fossil fuel instead of agreeing on reductions supplemented by wind and solar power. Emissions have been reducing in the US for the past 4-5 decades and our air is the cleanest in the past 100 years. So why is this such an issue of division within our country?

Science believes it has all the answers, as always and others believe God has the answers. Liberals want to eliminate combustion engines and have us all buy electric vehicles which are unaffordable for most people. The natural resources needed to produce batteries for them will be robbing our planet of these minerals. Also, it takes electricity produced by natural gas or coal to charge all these batteries. Finally, where are we going to put all these dead batteries as they pile up in the future. What will that do to our earth, soil, and environment. Liberals will have you believe that wind turbines will replace coal driven power plants, but few of the liberal states have any turbines off their shorelines or scattered across their horizon. The fact is these turbines are not reliable for many reasons not the least of which is when the wind doesn’t blow. They won’t work in states that are mountainous and blackouts will be common when they stop and there isn’t any backup.

Solar panels are being pushed, but not everyone can afford them, and they can’t be retrofitted in many climates that don’t have year-round sunlight. Furthermore, it doesn’t seem to bother liberals that these panels along with electric car batteries are produced in China, a nation that disregards climate change entirely, and uses child and slave labor to produce them.

Predictions of our world coming to an end are the worst insults to any Christian. Only God knows the time and place for the end of this world and if it is due to mankind then that was God’s plan to begin with. We should be working together to improve our environment through compromises on both sides of this issue, not trying to dictate change from climate radicals who are now reverting to violence by attacking your car, ruining works of art and personal attacks. The radical changes they dictate will have unintended calamities in the end.




21 Dec

Thank you Joe Manchin for being the only sane democrat in Congress. In their drive to Socialism, the liberal Democrats have been all to willing to make our country into a society dependent on the Federal Government. They want the redistribution of wealth to be given to the segment of the population that would keep them in office. Furthermore, they want to change our whole society to serve the uneducated, the illegals, the drug users, and the criminal element. I don’t want anyone to live in a country like that.

The United States is less than 5% of the world’s population and somehow the liberals think they should spend trillions to fight climate change. Let’s start by boycotting the countries that are creating the most emissions like China and India. The liberals should be leading the charge to stop buying products made by these countries, which would automatically reduce their production emissions. What a joke to proclaim the extinction of fossil fuel vehicles. We could never produce enough wind and solar energy to charge all of the electric vehicles much less heat and cool our homes and businesses. This would create a huge national security risk.

Liberals talk to the citizens of our country as if they are experts on everything and have all of the answers. Right now, they can’t figure out how to deal with the Corona Virus, inflation, escalating violence, drug use or illegal immigration yet they say give us 5 trillion and we will spend it where we want.

So here is my PBB plan for our country. First, stop letting people walk into our country illegally which will reduce drug and human trafficking and stress on our law enforcement and communities to deal with them. Enforce the legal path to citizenship that millions have taken to become law abiding, tax paying citizens. Second, let herd immunity happen and stop mandating and closing our economy. The new strains of this virus are not killing those who contract it like the original virus 18 months ago. Sure, the unvaccinated will be taking the risks, but that’s their choice. I believe everyone should get vaccinated, but that will never happen in a free society. Third, arrest those who break our laws and keep them locked up according to our judicial laws. Fourth, stop spending money this nation does not have. We have many great social programs that need to continue but funding them in the future is in doubt unless we make changes now. I propose that the increase in taxes to the wealthy move forward, but not to businesses that create jobs and innovation. Make it possible for them to produce goods that are being made in China at competitive costs. Eliminate the cap on social security and Medicare withholdings on earned income. Use these new revenues to secure our existing programs before proposing any new ones. Finally, promote minimum education standards in order to receive any Federal aid, with the exception for those with mental disabilities. We can no longer allow children to drop out of school and a free education then ask taxpayers to give them money. If you have a high school degree and need help that’s fine but we need to create the incentive of help only for those who try to help themselves first. We live in the most generous country in the world. Our charities help those in need without discrimination or expectation of votes. Our Federal Government should not be involved in dictating our lives but protecting everyone against crime and illegal trespass into our nation. So, lets start paying back all of the money spent these past 50 years on social programs and insure their continued existence for generations of legal citizens to come


24 Aug

The past 7 months under Joe Biden, and liberal majority, has set our country back to America Last and Americans Last. As I watched the terrible scene in Afghanistan this past week, it is clear that our foreign policy continues to put America in danger as well as a disgrace to our allies. Biden has allowed the WOKENESS of America to flourish while we allow our enemies in China to infect us with disease, control our supply chain with products from child labor. And now China is influencing our social media, who allow their divisive involvement without challenging their horrific treatment of human rights in their country. Iran has laughed in our face over the terrible Kerry/Obama nuclear deal while we whimper to get back in bed with this terrorist country. We have lost all dialog with North Korea and Russia has Hunter Biden in their back pocket.

Our economy is being fueled by massive government give a way that looks good today but is driving inflation up at a staggering pace. Have you been to the grocery lately or to buy a car, appliances or other products? How is your bank account doing spending $3.00-4.00 for gasoline because Biden has tried to shut down the energy industry since inauguration? Our labor force is sitting at home receiving government incentives not to go back to work. Biden’s support to raising minimum wages will continue to cost jobs while also driving prices up to consumers. Any wage gains are being eaten up by inflation. The liberal majority wants to keep printing money and giving it away to garner votes while our country’s economic future is being put more and more at risk.

Liberal support to attacks on our police forces across our country is a disgrace to all Americans. Of course, we don’t want racially motivated police action or shootings, but that’s not our law enforcement, that’s isolated bad individuals. Biden and the Liberals are throwing out the baby with the bath water and forcing Americans to contemplate how to defend themselves. Murders in our major liberal run cities are out of control as their police stand down from active involvement and enforcements.

Liberals want you to believe that all white people are racist and black and brown people are victims. This isn’t the real America; it’s the one Liberals want you to believe.

Biden and the liberal majority desperately want to control every aspect of your life and allow the WOKE and PC police to dictate our countries values, customs and traditions. After convincing Americans that the vaccine for Covid was suspect while Trump was in office, Liberals now can’t believe how many Americans won’t take the vaccine while infections resurge this summer. Their answer is to force more control and mandate your life.

Our education system continues to deteriorate under liberal majority as we dumb down to the worst students who they claim are racially deprived. What does that mean? Are Liberals saying minorities can’t learn, don’t want to learn or just prefer not going to school? I guess the answer is more government support which translates to Socialism. Our higher education institutions are run mainly by liberal professors who are infecting the free thinking and sharing of ideas of our nation’s future leaders.

Our boarder situation is a disaster that if it continues will create greater class disparity. We are cultivating generations of illegals working as cheap labor under the radar, while taking jobs away from people who want to work. Our sex trade and drug problems are exploding around us as Liberals celebrate the millions who cross our boarder every year and disappear into our society. In addition, the Covid carrying illegals pose a greater threat to our communities and health, plus additional pressure and stress on our medical care providers.

So, 2022 midterm elections are around the corner. If American’s don’t reject the destructive policies of the past 7 months by electing a conservative/moderate majority, we are doomed as law-abiding, hard-working citizens. We desperately need a return of Trump policies in 2022 and the 2024 election. We don’t need Trump to return though. Biden was elected because of 2 reasons. First, the Covid pandemic and second a rejection of Trump’s personality. I do not believe, in spite of the mess we are in, that voters would reelect Trump in 2024 because of personal dislike. But I believe voters would elect a compassionate candidate who would bring back Trump’s ideas and policies. My final hope is that we can hang on before more destructive policies come out of Washington led by Biden and his liberal posse.

American Lives Don’t Matter To Democrats, Just Votes

19 Jan

With the government shutdown looming over immigration and DACA it is crystal clear that Democrats in office only care about voters that will keep them in office in return for Federal Government handouts in housing, healthcare, education and ultimately welfare. What about our legal citizens in our country? It seems liberals need a larger voter base to perpetuate their existence. Citizens that are benefiting from our growing economy and lower taxes have less need for them. So, Senators and Representatives from districts full of voting illegal immigrants need to keep them and grow their number. When will liberal Americans get their head out of the liberal media sand and see what is happening.

Because of automation there will be less low paying jobs that legal immigrants have historically filled. With fewer of these jobs available, new immigrants will rely on our government for more and more financial help. Why wouldn’t our country want to provide opportunities for our legal citizens to succeed before we allow a growing number of illegal immigrants to come into our country? Because its about far left liberal extinction without them. If you are here legally and don’t have a job or you are struggling to succeed why aren’t you outraged? Even a greater problem will face your children and grandchildren if our country doesn’t control who and how many new immigrants come to our country. There are millions of undocumented people walking the streets in our cities and some are starting to rob us, sell drugs and even kill us.

Everything is about race to Liberals and they blame everything and everyone on race. If you disagree with them, you must be a racist. If you put America first you must be a racist. If you don’t vote for them, you must be a racist. So shut down our government and hurt legal citizens because our liberal Senators and Representatives want to keep the millions of illegals and keep adding to their numbers, I mean votes.


12 Mar

For 8 years millions of Americans cringed every time Obama spouted his socialistic agendas and executive orders. We did what every legal American citizen has the right to do – Protest. But unlike what we see today, our protests were in the form of campaigning for the candidates that represented our ideas for less Federal Government in our lives, jobs for the middle class, a strong military, strong boarders and more power to states for governing their citizens. There were editorials, rallies, some peaceful demonstrations and a hope that there would be a candidate that would break the Washington bureaucracy, stand up to the biased liberal main stream media and lead all Americans and not just the selected special interest groups and politically correct segment in our country. We couldn’t wait until Obama was out of office so that there might be hope for a better America. We felt that we were losing our identity as a nation and going down the path to eventual extinction of our democracy.

So, now that Trump has won the presidency of our country we have a totally different destructive, hateful and threatening segment of the liberal left. We have seen disturbing and frightening actions that are getting out of hand. Liberal universities are trying to suppress any ideas that compete with their liberal ideology. Students who supported Trump are singled out and harassed by liberal professors to the point of being driven out. The work place and neighborhoods have seen liberals verbally attack anyone that supported Trump. Some businesses have gone as far as trying to withhold services to Trump supporters. The Hollywood elite have shown their vulgar indignation in front of groups that contain children without a care for the venom that comes out of their mouths. Protesters damage private property, injure innocent people and incite rioting. Some of our city’s mayors ignore federal laws in an effort to protect people who are living in our country illegally, no matter what they do. And then there is the main stream liberal media who promote these actions and champion their cause.

Well I for one am sick of these activities, because they are not peaceful protests but a resistance that are bullies, who are no better than the 8th graders who degrade, harass and make fun of any child they don’t like. These actions are becoming Hate Crimes and should be dealt with in the same way anyone who hates a racial or ethnic group. The envelope of protest is being pushed to the brink and one day we will wake up to so many deaths and destruction as a result if consequences don’t begin being applied.

Picket and protest and go out and find your candidate that wants all Americans to succeed and who will defend our country from our enemies and those illegally crossing our boarders. Find one who doesn’t make promises and then does nothing. There is a peaceful and civil means to voice your opinions and there is a system to make change called our democratic election system that has been around for almost 250 years.


27 Jan

California announced their plans to become their own separate country and secede from the United States. How can we (the other 49 states) help you to leave as soon as possible? California clearly believes they have all of the answers to just about everything, just ask any of their Hollywood crowd. Please let us know soon, so that we can build the wall around you to separate you from Oregon, Nevada and Arizona.
California is an impoverished state because they have lost their middle class, who have moved out, and replaced them with illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America. Their state is bankrupt for all practical purposes and their existence without our Federal Government would be questionable. I don’t think California can sell enough wine and fruit to sustain all of the giveaways that exist today.

But let’s look on the bright side, Meryl Streep and George Clooney can now become queen and king over their adoring throngs. They can have so many more award shows to recognize how wonderful they believe they are to the rest of the world. Madonna can be their ambassador to the United States and Cher can lead their Commerce Department. Since most Californians are pacifists, atheists and socialists they won’t have a military and will be invaded by Mexico during the first week of their independence.

The United States can move its 11 military bases to other western states and help their economies. Without a National Park Service, Yosemite will become a huge landfill within their first 2 years of independence. It will also mean the end of hearing from Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer and my favorite Nancy Pelosi. Colin Kaepernick can write their national anthem and they can have a marijuana leaf on their multi colored rainbow flag.

Another benefit would be that many of our liberal socialist population from New York, Oregon and Washington would give up their citizenship and move to the country of California. This is the best news I have heard since Trump won the Presidency in November.

Please let this be true and I will go out and buy a case of their wine to celebrate and help their economy.

The 2016 Presidential Election Results By The Numbers

30 Nov

So, since Trump beat Clinton 3 weeks ago the liberals and left wing biased media have been whining about the popular vote results versus the Electoral College results. They all want to get rid of the Electoral College and just have a popular vote election. Well, our Founding Fathers saw this coming when they realized that the heaviest populated states could dictate government rules if there wasn’t fair representation.

The last time I counted there were 50 states, and oh yes the lovely District of Columbia, known as “The Swamp”. These are the facts about the election results. Trump won 30 states and Clinton won 20 states, plus The Swamp. He won the Electoral College by 306-232, only needing 270 to win the election. Trump also won over 75% of the land mass of states in our country.Our national election for President is not a campaign for the most popular votes, but for the most Electoral College votes.

So, let’s look at the popular vote. I am using the total votes (rounded) as of November 22nd and I know there have been additional votes from the last few write in and absentee votes counted. Clinton had 62,459,000 to Trump’s 61,185,000 a difference of 1,274,000. But when you look at the “Numbers”, a glaring red light goes on. In Trump’s 30 states he won 40,186,000 to 31,784,000 or a difference of 8,402,000. In Clinton’s 20 states, plus “The Swamp” she won 30,675,000 to 21,000,000 or a difference of 9,675,000. But behind these numbers are the startling truth that just 4 states (California, Illinois, Mass., and New York) make up 6,690,000 of the 9,675,000 difference. Whereas in Trump’s numbers only Texas makes up 814,000 of his 8,402,000 difference.

Clinton was ahead nationally by 1,274,000 total votes and in 4 states she was ahead by 6,690,000 votes. 3 more states (Maryland, New Jersey and Washington) made up another 1,591,000 for a total of 8,281,000. So if we eliminate the Electoral College, then 7 states decide the election every 4 years. As our Founding Fathers said 240 years ago, “What a bunch of baloney this is”.

The Civil War was fought over state rights, not just slavery, which was a product of state rights. So the law is that states must follow the laws of the Federal Government, but now only when it meets the desires of the liberal states. For instance when many states were upholding segregation, the liberal states argued that all states must obey the civil rights act and integrate. This was a good thing, but let’s fast forward to today. The Federal Government had a defense of marriage act which defined marriage between a man and woman, but the liberal states decided they didn’t like that law so they passed their own state laws allowing gay marriage. The Federal Government has a law that it is a crime to sell or use recreational marijuana, but the liberal states passed their own laws to sell it. Finally the Federal Government has a law that requires states to identify and detain illegal immigrants in this country, but the liberal states created sanctuary cities to look the other way, no matter what crimes they commit. So now the liberal sates want to abolish the Electoral College, do you see where this is going? 7 states want to rule the country the way they see fit in disregard for those 30 states that disagree. And oh by the way, the liberals have most all of the media, Hollywood celebrities and musicians telling the other 75% of the country what to do.

Americans finally woke up on November 8th, but believe me those 7 states won’t stop until they rule and control everyone else.


8 Nov

Today Americans will decide if our country will continue on the path as the Divided States of America or take back our country from the career politicians and political establishment.

If Clinton wins there will be more racial division, rioting and police murders. Illegal immigrants will continue coming into our country along with thousands of Syrian refugees, many of who may be terrorists. Our economy will struggle and our courts will begin turning out more liberal rulings which will handpick apart our constitution in favor of political correctness, not constitutional freedoms. In 4 years our nation will be less safe internally and from terrorism, enemy acts and aggression. Our economy will be stagnant with more minorities out of work and in poverty. Corruption and collusion within all branches of our government will remain rampant as we have seen the DOJ and FBI working to shield and support Clinton’s lies and corruption. Healthcare will become less affordable and America will continue to be taken advantage of both economically and militarily. And all this will happen with our Federal deficit reaching 25 trillion before our next election.

But don’t worry because if Clinton wins, Obama’s piece of crap legacy will be preserved. American’s were fooled in 2008 and 2012 and elected and reelected someone with no experience at anything and the worst president in US history. But also fear not, Clinton will take that honor in the next 4 years.

So what if Trump wins? I can’t tell you he will be a great president, but he will be a president that is not the political establishment. Our country will have the promise that change might happen in positive ways, but with Clinton change will not happen. I see Trump surrounding himself with smart, nonpolitical leaders, who will guide our country through positive change. America needs to be great again and it has to start by ridding Washington of the stagnation our political system infests our country with.

We have seen how slanted our media is towards the liberal agenda along with the music and entertainment industry. We might as well have a government news media to spread the liberal agenda or does that sound a little like Communist countries? (We should worry). Let’s see who among this segment of our society will be happy when we get to full socialism and they become less and less relevant.

This election will go down in history as the end of political correctness and corruption or the beginning of the end of our Democracy as we continue down the path towards bankruptcy and rebellion from the people who are the true backbone, leaders and patriots.

I hope that when I wake up on November 9th I will see some rays of hope instead of the shadows of darkness that continue to spread across our once great nation. Our forefathers in the Revolution, our brave men and women in World Wars, in Korea and Vietnam, and in the Middle East, all that have fought and died deserve more than this choice today.

Just look at the smugness on the faces of our political establishment. They have rigged a system that suppresses change and riddance of government in our lives to perpetuate their corrupt existence. Aren’t these some of the same evils that the US went to war to fight against in past generations? Our country can’t and won’t survive in the next 40-50 years unless the people take it back and that starts today.


7 Sep

It’s very clear that when caught Hillary makes herself out to be incompetent, forgetful, and ignorant or a liar. Take your pick America, if this is who you want as your next president. It’s really sad that those who support her won’t admit that she is dishonest and consistently lies to the public.
Trump is not a saint and has said some things I do not agree with, but I truly believe that when he makes statements, they are not lies, but his truthful opinions. You can bash him for his views, but not his truth.

How can we elect someone like Hillary who can’t remember anything that she is asked by the FBI investigation of her misuse of classified e mails? Richard Nixon was run out of office for far less deceitfulness, by the same people that support Hillary.
This all goes to show how bad our country’s political system has become. Integrity and honesty don’t matter, just money and power. I will give Hillary credit for having plenty of money and power, but she wants so much more. It is no longer about defending the constitution and serving the American citizens, but it has become about personal agendas and legacies (see Obama). Hillary is right on the same path and our political and financial spiral will continue to degrade if she wins this election.

This might be America’s final chance to wake up and vote for anyone except Hillary Clinton. If she wins, look for continued racial division, attacks on our police, rising national debt, more illegal immigrants eating up your taxes to serve them and a much greater risk of our national security. The stakes are so high and the future will look at this election as the rise of true non politically correct America under Trump, or corruption and the continued fall of our morals, values, security, accountability and honesty under another Clinton administration.

If you are sitting back and hoping for a change in the direction of America, you better get up and defeat the liar or incompetent Hillary Clinton.